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You see Me Free


By: Debbie Rarick


You See Me Free is a compelling book in the growing genre of the power of a living, Christian faith in battling addictions.  Debbie Rarick describes her pilgrimage from the darkness of her entrapment in a homosexual lifestyle toward the true freedom of a life fully and freely shared with Jesus Christ.  

The reader is invited to walk with Debbie through the various phases of her journey toward freedom.  The reader can watch as God moves Debbie gently away from her addiction to the underlying fears that fueled her unhealthy patterns of relating to others and to herself.  The author speaks honestly about the rejection she experienced when God persuaded her to give up secrecy, live in honesty, and finally, to reveal her past openly so that others might see God's power to heal and deliver as evidenced by her life.  

If you experience yourself to be in bondage in homosexual practice, this book will give you hope.  If you are isolated, caught in the tentacles of any addiction that you feel powerless to resist, this book will introduce you to a living God who is able to set you free.  If you are a church leader who wonders what your congregation can do to minister to person struggling with sexual addictions of any type, this book will give you sound advice. 

Debbie Rarick radiates the freedom of Christ not only in the pages of her book, but in her life.  She is a 2004 graduate of George W. Truett Theological Seminary.  The Re. Rarick is a licensed and comisioned Baptist minister.  She works with Celebrate Recovery through several churches affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas.  Debbie is a frequent speaker in the area of Twelve-Step ministry.  

This is a gentle book.  It is filled with humor and compassion.  The text radiates hope.  It can be used as an inspirational account of one modern Christian's deliverance from a crippling addiction or as a workbook for persons who have decided to join with Debbie in following Jesus out of bondage and into his marvelous light.

- Dr. Betty W. Talbert, Director of Spiritual Formation, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University

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