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Related Ministry References

Captives Free - Resources on unwanted sexual behavior and betrayal trauma

Desert Stream Ministries - Ministering the life of Jesus to the sexually and relationally broken.

Exodus Global Alliance - A Christian organization which proclaims change is possible from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.

Focus On The Family - A family-oriented ministry that remains relevant in an ever-changing culture.

His Servants - Resources on gender confusion for parents and youth.

Homosexuals Anonymous - Sells ex-gay books and videos through their online book catalog. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

Hope for Homosexuals - A site offered by the Family Policy Network

International Healing Foundation - Sells the book "Coming Out Straight" by ex-gay psychotherapist, Richard Cohen. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

L.I.F.E. Ministries International - A Christ-centered support group ministry that deals with sexual addiction recovery

PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays) - Non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public regarding ex-gay men and women, supporting the ex-gay community and strengthening those families affect by homosexuality.

NARTH - The National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

National AIDS Information Hotline - A secular organization offering information and referrals throughout the U.S. Phone: 800.342.2437

Pastoral Care Ministries - The ministry of Leanne Payne. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

Porn Free Youth - A youth-based organization that educates people on the harms of pornography and all other sexual issues while helping those who are striving to be pure. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

Pure Life Ministries - A Christian ministry that provides residential and over-the-phone counseling for men who struggle with sexual addiction. This ministry also helps the wives of men who struggle with sexual sin.

Reality Resources Publications - A ministry specializing in transgendered issues. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

Redeemed Lives International - A ministry of pastoral care and discipleship. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

Shephard's Heart - The minsitry of Dennis Jernigan, a gifted worship leader and songwriter. Phone: [Please enable JavaScript.]

Sisters Made of Clay - a ministry offering mentoring and discipleship for women of all ages

Underground Church Network - A network of micro-churches pursuing God, community and mission