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POwerless furnace podcast




   The Powerless Furnace Podcast is inspired by the Biblical book of Daniel and one of its most known accounts. In chapter three, Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, refuse to worship anything apart from God, even against King Nebuchadnezzar’s decree and threat of throwing them into a fiery furnace. They then were bound and tossed into the furnace which was heated seven times above normal. However, a fourth man in the form of the Son of God joined them in the furnace. It was by their faith in the Living God, that not even a hair on them was singed rendering the furnace powerless. 


     With this podcast, our goal is to have conversations about the furnace’s in our lives. As followers of Christ, the challenges in this world often heat to a degree that we think we are not able to withstand. Without God, this is true. However, if we have faith like the three friends, we shall too have the fourth man (God) with us in the furnace. No matter what is going on in your lives, we want to encourage you that God can make your furnace a Powerless Furnace.


If you are interested in being interviewed by Mark Culligan and sharing your testimony on this podcast, email him at [Please enable JavaScript.]! Interviews can be anonymous!


Check back for updates for when our first episode drops!