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Moving forward by faith! 

Help us build the Spiritual Renewal Center!

Change Is Possible.

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Believers all around the world know that God is sovereign and almighty. And while the good news of the Gospel is reaching new people every day, many people have yet to experience Jesus’ abundant and unconditional love. We believe we can help bridge the gap with your help.

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Decades ago, God gave NHO a vision of possibility and promise: A total-wellness spiritual renewal center.

The vision was of a beautiful campus which serves as a sanctuary from the temptations of addiction and ungodly sexual expression. The gardens and grounds of the campus would glorify God as a reflection of the beauty of His creation and of His creativity through artistic expressions in architecture, sculptures, fountains, and other artworks. But, perhaps more powerfully, God's glory would be revealed through the worship—by lips and by action—of His people who gather or stay on the grounds. The center would feature family-friendly events and gatherings where God's people from the community could verbally share and sing of His goodness. The center would also provide residential or outpatient counseling, therapy, mentoring, and training, so His people can better worship him through the renewing of their minds and by putting their faith into action as living sacrifices.

The Soli Deo Gloria Spiritual Renewal Center will become reality only by bringing the community together—by the concerted effort of businesses, schools, churches, and other organizations devoted to the healing of hurting people and the restoration of the sexually and relationally-challenged.

This center will include:

  • A worship space
  • Residential recovery facilities
  • A total wellness center
  • A broadcast space
  • A fine arts facility

An architectural rendering of the proposed wellness center.

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