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Transformation From a Caterpillar to a Butterfly


By: Brenda A. Burton


Brenda A. Burton is a woman who God snatched from the hands of the devil. She has been saved and delivered to help others become free.  She lived the lesbian lifestyle for over 10 years, was in love with women, and wore men's clothing. She was a mechanic, and worked on her own car; replacing starters, alternators and anything else that broke on cars. Everything she did was manly. Growing up, she always wanted to be a boy. The devil told her that she was a man trapped inside of a woman's body.  She had planned a sex change and to marry her last lover, until one day she met a man named Jesus Christ. God saved her from sin. It is her prayer for this book that many people will become free from homosexuality and any other sexual sin.

Her desires for the gay man or woman are once you are finished reading this book, you will no longer wish to remain in that lifestyle. If just one person is free then she will know that her labor was not in vain.

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