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Sex Traps!


By: Dr. Wanda Davis-Turner


Satan is out to trap you! Have you been caught or tangled in one of his daily sex traps and do not know how to get free?

No matter who you are, you can and will be set free!  Discover the key biblical principles that will lead you to complete victory over sexual sin and deliverance from your sex traps.  Don't worry about your hang-ups—Jesus was "hung up" for them all!  Nothing is too big, too twisted, or too horrible for God to handle.  

Take hold of the power of God's Word, the blood of Jesus that washes away sin, and His Spirit that empowers.  You can be free!  It may not be easy, but right information will help you make right choices.  Right choices will foster right changes, and right changes will get you out of your sex traps. Don't wait any longer. Read this book and be blessed!

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