Recommended Reading and Videos


  1. Codependent No More, Melody Beattti
  2. Emotional Dependency, Lori Rentzel
  3. From Bondage to Bonding, Nancy Groom


  1. Audacity, Ray Comfort
  2. Hear Me Video, The Colby Adam Story
  3. Sing Over Me, The Dennis Jernigan Story
  4. Such Were Some of You, Mastering Life Ministries


  1. Crisis in Masculinity, Leanne Payne
  2. The Heart of Female Same-Sex Attraction, Janelle Hallman


  1. Abba's Arms, Sandra Wilson
  2. Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
  3. The Journey to Wholeness in Christ, Signa Bodishbaugh


  1. The Complete Christian Guide To Understanding Homosexuality, Joe Dallas and Nancy Heche
  2. Coming Out of Homosexuality, Bob Davies & Lori Rentzel.
  3. Setting Love in Order by Mario Bergner

Listening Prayer and Inner Healing

  1. Healing for Damaged Emotions, David Seamonds
  2. Healing of Memories, David Seamonds
  3. Listening Prayer, Leanne Payne
  4. Restoring the Christian Soul, Leanne Payne
  5. The Healing Presence, Leanne Payne
  6. Transformation of the Inner Man, John and Paula Sandford


  1. Growth Into Manhood, Alan Medinger
  2. Healing the Masculine Soul, Gordon Dalbey
  3. Crisis in Masculinity, Leanne Payne

Parents and Friends

  1. Parents in Pain, John White
  2. Someone I Love is Gay, Anita Worthen and Bob Davies
  3. The Healing Word, Cindy Rullman

Resources for Teens

  1. A Young Man's Journey - Floyd Godfrey
  2. Search for Significance Youth Version, Robert McGee

Sexual Abuse

  1. he Wounded Heart by Dr. Dan Allender: book and workbook
  2. Healing Victims of Sexual Abuse by Paula Sandford

Sexual Addiction

  1. Addiction and Grace, Gerald May
  2. Don't Call It Love, Patrick Carnes
  3. False Intimacy, Harry Schaumberg
  4. The Secret Sin: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse, Mark Laaser

Shame and Pain

  1. Healing the Shame that Binds Us, John Bradshaw
  2. Released from Shame, Sandra Wilson
  3. The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis

Spiritual Abuse and Warfare

  1. Tired Trying to Measure Up, Jeff Van Vonderen
  2. Victory Over The Darkness, Neil Anderson

Wounds, Father and Mother 

  1. Abba's Child, Brannan Manning
  2. Making Peace with Your Father, David Stoop
  3. The Mom Factor, Henry Cloud and John Townsend (book and workbook)
  4. The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri Nouwen